Motecuhzoma was elected emperor
and crowned in the year 1-Crocodile
(1502), when he had 36 years old. It put on his head the turquoise tiara called
xiuhuitzolli. The
turquoise nose plug is put on too; the xiuhtlalpilli
tilmahtli (the reticulated
cape dyeing in blue and adorned with turquoise stones); the royal seal
(insignia of shells and feathers he bear on his left arm); the golden sandals;
the sacred shield, the macahuitl and the bundel of arrows; all of them simbols
of royal and legal powers. This elements in blue and turquoise colors linked
him to the old god of fire Xiuhtecuhtli,
father and mother of all deities of the universe.
My Motecuhzoma is beardless and
no show noseplug nor bezote cos I want to show the faces clear, with no
distraction elements at the time to draw the expressions. This concept
character is the Motecuhzoma as will appear at the prologue of the novel, the
moment when the omens which announce the european conquistadores coming
reveal to him.
The tiara or xiuhuitzolli
was a very simple element for which I added a rich geometric desing in turquoise mosaic that represent Quetzalcóatl
in his Ehecatl
advocation. Quetzalcóatl-Ehecatl is the god of winds, " of
live, wisdom and priesthood [...] benefactor and humankind father [...]."
This is the reason that him wear this symbol on his head. Quetzalcoatl is a
royal and government symbol because the great ruler of the mythical Tollan, of who mexica people feel
direct heirs, was Ce Acatl Topiltzin
Quetzalcóatl, founder demigod and king of that civilization. His representation is
the sacred feather serpent; quetzal
(green feather bird) and coatl
(serpent in nahuatl), the "quetzal serpent".
The diadem which serve as base to the tiara have a feather serpent form, made in gold and fixed to the head through a read head band completed with a turquoised plume.
Moctezuma fue coronado emperador por elección el año 1-Cocodrilo (1502), a los 36 años. Se le coloca en la cabeza la tiara turquesa o xiuhuitzolli. También una nariguera turquesa, la xiuhtlalpilli tilmahtli (capa reticulada teñida de azul y adornada con piedras turquesas), el sello real (ornamento de concha y plumas que portaría en su brazo izquierdo), las sandalias doradas, un escudo, un macahuitl y un haz de dardos, todos símbolos de poder real y judicial. Estos ornamentos de color azul y turquesa le vinculaban con el anciano dios del fuego Xiuhtecuhtli, padre y madre de todas las deidades que moraban en el centro del universo.
Yo he optado por un Moctezuma sin barba, sin nariguera ni bezote por una cuestión de gusto simplemente. Este Moctezuma es el que aparecerá en el prólogo de la novela cuando se le revelan los sorprendentes prodigios que anuncian el advenimiento de los conquistadores europeos.
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The Royal Seal of Quetzalcóatl |
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Motecuhzoma II concept character |
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Study for Motecuhzoma tiara with the mosaic design of Quetzalcóatl-Ehecatl |
The diadem which serve as base to the tiara have a feather serpent form, made in gold and fixed to the head through a read head band completed with a turquoised plume.
His wide collar is made in
turquoise too, with inlays of jade, gold, coral and red shells, inspired in the
Solar Disc Stone
motifs; the belt links are in polished turquoise inlayed with golden discs with
red shells; left bracelet of turquoise mosaic have a inlay design of the solar
disc emblem made with gold an nacre; and his sandals are festoon with turquoise
beads, gold trends, nacre and gold sleigh bell.
To Aztecs the turquoise symbolized the blue of water, the daylight sky, the domain of the sun Tonatiuh and Huitzilopochtli, guardian god of mexica. Turquoise like jade was the beauty of life and kings divinity, and celestial spirits. Jade are the right bracelet, the earspools inlayed with a coiled feather serpents which rattles fall over his shoulders.
To Aztecs the turquoise symbolized the blue of water, the daylight sky, the domain of the sun Tonatiuh and Huitzilopochtli, guardian god of mexica. Turquoise like jade was the beauty of life and kings divinity, and celestial spirits. Jade are the right bracelet, the earspools inlayed with a coiled feather serpents which rattles fall over his shoulders.
To xicolli design I choice the mexica star symbol in the meaning of
the night sky from where come the fatal sign which watch Motecuhzoma and will
disturb the peace of his soul. Is the representation of the blackness of his
spirit, the shade of the fatal.
The feathered serpent,
Quetzalcoatl, is symbolized too in the emperor's leg and arm bands made in gold. Its design
was inspired in the called Acueduct Relief motifs, and that of
Coyolxauhqui colossal head.
The big Motecuhzoma piety and
devotion to gods he showed is represented in the top of his loinclothe; a piece
made in shells, gold and nacre mosaic that form the Ball Grass of Sacrifice
emblem (zacatapayolli).
Motecuhzoma spend so many hours in penance, mortify his flesh with the maguey
thorns to find answers from the heaven.
To end his tilmatli (cape) are made of blue feathers with the edges fixed with coral cilindric beads and nacre discs like eyes in the corners. This cape is tie on the front and fixed with a cylinder brooch of gold. The materials the cape are made was one of the first things I get clear from the begginig. Only the emperor can use a cape like this and color; is the color of the royalty; of the celestial gods; is the color of the South, region of Mexico-Tenochtitlan patron god: Huitzilopochtli, midday sun, hummingbird of the South, main guide of Mexica.
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Bracelet and band designs studies |
To end his tilmatli (cape) are made of blue feathers with the edges fixed with coral cilindric beads and nacre discs like eyes in the corners. This cape is tie on the front and fixed with a cylinder brooch of gold. The materials the cape are made was one of the first things I get clear from the begginig. Only the emperor can use a cape like this and color; is the color of the royalty; of the celestial gods; is the color of the South, region of Mexico-Tenochtitlan patron god: Huitzilopochtli, midday sun, hummingbird of the South, main guide of Mexica.
Moctezuma fue coronado emperador por elección el año 1-Cocodrilo (1502), a los 36 años. Se le coloca en la cabeza la tiara turquesa o xiuhuitzolli. También una nariguera turquesa, la xiuhtlalpilli tilmahtli (capa reticulada teñida de azul y adornada con piedras turquesas), el sello real (ornamento de concha y plumas que portaría en su brazo izquierdo), las sandalias doradas, un escudo, un macahuitl y un haz de dardos, todos símbolos de poder real y judicial. Estos ornamentos de color azul y turquesa le vinculaban con el anciano dios del fuego Xiuhtecuhtli, padre y madre de todas las deidades que moraban en el centro del universo.
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Diseño para el Sello Real de Quetzalcóatl |
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Moctezuma II; diseño de personaje |
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Estudios para la tiara y diadema de Moctezuma II con diseño de mosaico con el rostro de Quetzalcóatl-Ehecatl |
La diadema que sirve de base a la tiara es una serpiente emplumada labrada en oro que se fija a la cabeza por medio de una banda carmesí anudada a la nuca rematada por un penacho de plumas turquesas.
Turquesas también son las cuentas de su amplio collar con incrustaciones de jade, oro, corales y conchas rojas, inspirados en motivos del Disco Solar; los eslabones de su cinturón son de turquesa pulida con discos de oro y conchas rojas; su muñequera de mosaicos turquesa con el emblema del disco solar engastado en oro y nácar; y los bordes de sus sandalias compuestos de cuentas rectangulares de turquesas, hilo de oro, nácar y cascabeles dorados.
Y es que para los aztecas la turquesa simbolizaba el azul del agua, del cielo durante el día, dominio del sol Tonatiuh y de Huitzilopochtli, dios tutelar de Tenochtitlan. Turquesas como el jade simbolizaban la belleza de la vida y de la divinidad del rey y de los seres celestiales. Jade son su muñequera derecha y sus orejeras engastadas por una serpiente emplumada de oro cuyos cascabeles cae sobre los hombros del monarca.
Para el diseño de su xicolli elegí el símbolo de las estrellas para representar el cielo nocturno herido por el prodigio que perturbará el resto de su vida. Es la negrura de su ánimo, la sombra de lo funesto que opacará su alma representado visualmente en esta imagen.
La serpiente emplumada, Quetzalcóatl, también tiene su presencia como símbolos y emblemas del soberano en los brazaletes y perneras labradas en oro. Su diseño lo tomé de las representaciones en piedra del llamado Relieve del Acueducto y de colosal cabeza de Coyolxauhqui.
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Diseños para los brazaletes y bandas de oro |
Y ya por ultimo su tilmatli (capa) de plumas azules con bordes en cuentas de coral y ojos de nácar. Va anudado sobre el pecho con un broche cilíndrico de oro labrado. Este elemento del diseño fue una de las cosas que tuve claro desde el principio. Solo el emperador puede portar plumas de ese color; es el color de la realeza, de los dioses celestes; es el color del sur, reino del dios tutelar de Mexico-Tenochtitlan: Huitzilopochtli, el sol del mediodía, el colibrí del sur, y principal guía de los mexica.