La monarquía mexica alcanzó su cénit con Moctezuma II Xocoyotzin, un rey absoluto que reinó en medio de lujos y placeres inimaginables. Residía en un enorme palacio con jardines, zoológicos y estanques artificiales, 150 concubinas y muchos sirvientes. Puesto que nadie podía mirarle comía solo tras un biombo, sus súbditos y ministros debían descalzarse en su presencia y tocar el suelo con la frente, y nunca darle la espalda. Solo su viceemperador, el cihuacoatl, podía actuar de intermediario entre él y los hombres. Como rey y señor absoluto de la tierra levantó grandes monumentos, conquisto muchos territorios y realizó cambios gubernamentales y políticos dentro de la sociedad y la religión.
Hasta que apareció la terrible señal de los cielos...
"Bearer of the title "Huey Tlatoani" (that can meaning the grat speaker or great ruler), general of the Triple Alliance host, high priest and people protector, chief justice and life giver. Great and dreadful lord, nobody can contradict his will. No one can see his face, no one talk him directly, no one can hear his voice from life because He is the Sun on earth..."
The Mexica monarchy reach its zenith with Motecuhzoma II Xocoyotzin, sole King who rule in the middle of opulence and unimaginable pleasures. He lived in a large palace with gardens, zoos and artificial ponds, 150 concubines and lots of servants. As well no one can look at His face he eat alone behind a folding screen, his subjects and ministers must to remove they shoes before him and touch the floor with they forehead, and never give their back to him. Only his viceemperor, the cihuacoatl, can act as intermediary between He and the men. As King and sole ruler of the Earth rised great monuments, conquered many territories and made governmental and political changes in the Mexica society and the clergy.
Until appeared the terrible sign in the heaven...
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